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Experience Wellness

The university is committed to the health and wellbeing of students. Learn more about health and wellbeing resources and opportunities below!

Mental Wellbeing Resources


Find tips and tools for everything from your mental and physical health, to friendships and finding balance. It’s all here at UW Eau Claire. Create your free account and begin personalizing your wellness journey today!

Mantra Health

Mantra Health 

Mantra Health gives students FREE access to virtual counseling sessions. Create an account to set up your appointment with a licensed professional.

Managing Mental Health Videos

This workshop focuses primarily on helping individuals, manage worry, conquer fears, and restructure thinking that exacerbates anxiety. The workshop skills are rooted in the mindful practices of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The purpose of the workshop is to help individuals to better understand how their anxiety and/or depression manifests, identify specific interventions that help manage anxiety and depression, and diversify and expand on participant's coping skills and strengths.

Attacking Anxiety and Depression Workshop

Maximizing Potential


February Newsletter
November Newsletter December Newsletter

Additional Resources

Students playing Frisbee in the campus mall

Health Promotion

Health Promotion is an educational and outreach extension of Student Health Service. Through our health advocacy projects, we strive to make UW-Eau Claire's campus community a healthier environment for learning and living.

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Daisy field on campus mall

Counseling Services

The counseling services office at UW-Eau Claire provides essential counseling to students who find themselves struggling with depression, anxiety, stress and a variety of other mental health concerns.

A hand in tough times
Student at health services

Student Health Service

This on-campus group provides resources whether you need a flu shot, a check-up, or wellness ideas, the caring staff is here to help. We are also located just minutes from two large hospitals, clinics, urgent care centers, and other medical facilities.

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Male students at commencement

Dean of Students

The office of the Dean of Students is sort of the Jack of All Trades in terms of campus administration, playing a vital role in the needs of students across a wide range of issues. From health and safety concerns to academic conduct, the DOS is key.

Dean of Students
Students riding their bikes on campus.

Student Wellness Advocacy

The Student Wellness Advocacy Team is a group of peer health educators working with the office of Health Promotion to produce fun and interactive programs to teach health and wellness to the campus community.

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Blurred person drawing a brain on clear board with a white marker

Suicide Prevention

Resources for spotting warning signs, crisis lines, and support opportunities.

Suicide Prevention
An evening picture of the UW-Eau Claire entrance gate with arch.

Sexual Violence Resources

Whether you are a victim/survivor of sexual violence, or you know someone who is, it's important to be aware of available support systems and resources. Whatever course of action you choose, there are people willing to help.

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University Police

UW-Eau Claire Police

University Police are committed to providing quality law enforcement services to Blugolds, faculty, staff and visitors.

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OMA Welcome Back picnic overhead shot

Multicultural Student Services

The Multicultural Student Services Office offers a variety of programs and services to promote a successful college experience for students of color to obtain a higher education degree while celebrating the diversity of cultures on campus. 

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A portrait of graduate Maddy Mahoney in Centennial, smiling into the camera with her chin on her hand.

Services for Students with Disabilities

In order to meet our mission of providing an equal educational opportunity to all, the Services for Students with Disabilities office works with students, faculty and staff to facilitate provisions for accommodations for a wide variety of needs.

Universal accessibility

Enviromental Resources

Connecting to Nature

Studies have found that something as simple as taking a walk outside can boost your overall mood. In fact, all nature-based activities have the capability of boosting mental health. The university offers a variety of opportunities to support increasing mental health through nature. Geographically, lower campus overlaps with Putnam Park, a 230-acre park with numerous places to walk, bike or relax. Campus also features hammock hangers on both upper and lower campus. You can check out hammocks for free at the EAC (below). In addition to trails, campus shares borders with a creek and river, offering plenty of spaces to enjoy the sound of running water. Our Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) offers guided opportunities to experience adventure in great outdoors! Check out what the EAC has to offer below!

Enviromental Adventure Center

Okanagan Charter

The Okanagan Charter supports infusing wellbeing in all aspects of campus life. To learn more, click the button below.

Okanagan Charter Information.

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